Electricity Generated and Purchased in the First Half of FY 2001 (Bulletin)

1. Nationwide Summary
Total electricity generated and purchased in the first half of 2001 saw a decline of 0.1% due to sluggish demand from large industrial users, coupled with decreased demand for cooling caused by lower temperatures in August and September. 459.42 billion kWh were generated.


The flow rate was down compared to last yearfs first half, resulting in a decline of 0.3% to 37.64 billion kWh.

Reflecting the overall decline in generated and purchased results, thermal generation dropped by 2.1% to 210.49 billion kWh.

Although the capacity utilization rate at all companies was down compared to last yearfs first half, test operations resulted in a 0.3% rise in nuclear power
generation. 151.42 billion kWh were generated.

Capacity utilization rates in 2000 and 1999 were 81.0% and 81.3% respectively (Japan Atomic Power Company figures excluded).

2. State of the Companies
Business results at most of the companies were sluggish due to decreased demand for cooling caused by lower temperatures in August and September.

Monthly Peak Load
Combined peak load for the ten companies was 182.378 million kWh (recorded at 15:00, 24 June), up 5.4% on last yearfs first half.

Flow Rates
With the exception of Hokkaido and Tohoku, flow rates at the rest of the companies were below average. Rainfall in western Japan was especially poor.
As a result, the flow rate across the nine companies was 89.2%.

Flow rates across the country (Unit:%)

Hokkaido Tohoku Tokyo Chubu Hokuriku Kansai Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu 9 companies
Flow rates 108.8 100.0 96.9 81.9 89.1 82.7 84.1 78.7 74.4 89.2

1. Power generated and purchased in the First Half of FY2001 bulletin

Increase on same month previous
year, past 3 months
Summary of results Compared to same half last year 1 half ago 2 halfs ago 3 halfs ago
9 companies 10 companies Total for 9 Cos. Total for 10 Cos. 9 Cos. 10 Cos. 9 Cos. 10 Cos. 9 Cos. 10 Cos.
Volume of power
generated and purchased
4,550.2 4,594.2 -1.1 -1.0 1.6 1.6 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.1
Hydro 4,550.2 376.4 -3 -3 9.8 9.8 -2.9 -2.9 -4.7 -4.7
Thermal 2,072.1 2,104.9 -2.3 -2.1 -0.5 -0.4 3 3 4.4 4.4
Nuclear 1,514.2 1,514.2 0.3 0.3 -3.6 7.9 -1.1 -1.1 4.2 4.2
Purchased 680.5 691.9 2.3 2.3 22.1 21.6 17.5 17.2 -1.5 -1.4
Overall monthly peak load 18,094.4 18,237.8 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.3 2.6 2.6 0.1 0.2
Flow rates 99.2 rate same half last year
102.7 93.8 94.5
Performance of nuclear
facilities including Japan
Atomic Power Co.
72.3 rate same half last year
81.8 81.5 80.7

2.Increase in electricity generated and purchased across the 10 companies,same half previous year (%)

By Half
By Company
00Fy 1st Half. 99Fy 2st Half. 99Fy 1st Half. 98Fy 2st Half.
Hokkaido -1.0 4.2 2.7 3.0
Tohoku -1.6 3.4 3.1 3.5
Tokyo -1.3 2.4 1.8 2.0
Chubu -0.8 0.9 3.3 3.3
Hokuriku -2.1 1.8 5.3 5.3
Kansai -1.5 0.1 2.6 2.5
Chugoku -1.6 0.1 4.8 4.7
Shikoku 0.8 1.0 4.9 4.6
Kyushu 0.5 0.9 4.6 4.8
9 companies -1.1 1.6 2.9 3.1
Okinawa 8.1 2.9 -0.3 2.4
10 companies -1.0 1.6 2.9 3.1

3.Results for electricity generated and purchased (bulletin)

By company
Hokkaido Tohoku Tokyo Chubu Hokuriku Kansai Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu 9 companies Okinawa 10 companies
By source
Hydro 2,625,448 5,236,130 8,209,924 4,879,751 3,392,725 7,873,080 1,957,620 1,281,053 2,180,584 37,636,315 37,636,315
Thermal 6,405,423 27,960,734 63,956,997 40,868,850 7,041,346 19,062,409 16,177,190 7,060,851 18,674,610 207,208,410 3,286,311 210,494,721
Nuclear 4,458,039 5,772,302 60,193,344 13,585,659 2,371,535 36,379,249 5,563,904 7,141,098 15,955,577 151,420,707 151,420,707
Others 319 0 319 319
Purchased 1,829,072 523,010 25,271,327 8,573,810 957,792 17,822,363 6,977,363 -214,629 6,312,035 68,052,143 1,142,013 69,194,156
(From EPDC Ltd)* 551,100 821,828 2,902,704 1,601,690 444,404 5,567,812 7,739,982 3,005,806 4,060,536 26,695,862 1,119,801 27,815,663
(Interchange) 449 -9,404,586 9,619,697 2,956,562 -3,074,675 7,654,844 -2,859,928 -3,658,857 -1,233,885 -379 -379
Pump storage -51,953 -72,521 -4,764,519 -1,160,264 -38,084 -1,915,044 -676,211 -329,736 -287,186 -9,295,518 -25,868 -9,321,386
Total 15,266,029 39,419,655 152,867,392 66,747,806 13,725,314 79,222,057 29,999,866 14,938,637 42,835,620 455,022,376 4,402,456 459,424,832
Change on year 99.0 98.4 98.7 99.2 97.9 98.5 98.4 100.8 100.5 98.9 108.1 99.0
Flow rates 108.8 100.0 96.9 81.9 89.1 82.7 84.1 78.7 74.4 89.2 89.2

4.Fuel results (bulletin)

By company
By fuel Hokkaido Tohoku Tokyo Chubu Hokuriku Kansai Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu 9 comapnies Okinawa 10 companies
Coal (t) Purchased 1,806,153 4,709,172 0 3,236,539 2,216,457 0 3,372,701 1,423,217 2,264,580 19,028,819 556,633 19,585,452
Consumed 1,523,495 4,267,706 0 3,186,379 2,139,082 3,181,780 1,408,093 2,240,087 17,946,622 394,787 18,341,409
Heavy oil(kl) Purchased 425,608 289,026 1,548,992 341,081 95,957 106,071 374,103 229,177 158,238 3,568,253 471,768 4,040,021
Consumed 438,970 261,579 1,327,235 327,897 80,788 180,153 394,506 251,672 160,398 3,423,198 411,774 3,834,972
Crude (kl) Purchased 60,933 250,901 1,510,139 94,986 101,258 509,960 225,360 280,354 230,490 3,264,381 0 3,264,381
Consumed 59,449 173,902 1,093,930 194,097 90,486 572,722 181,048 251,878 199,496 2,817,008 2,817,008
LNG(t) Purchased 0 1,886,760 8,271,161 4,574,692 0 2,636,725 636,557 0 1,473,693 19,479,588 0 19,479,588
Consumed 1,892,090 8,120,583 4,459,997 2,638,594 605,397 1,498,754 19,215,415 19,215,415
Naptha (kl) Purchased 900 19,379 0 20,279 20,279
Consumed 3,835 19,427 1,653 24,915 24,915