Electricity Generated and Purchased in the Second Half of 2003 (Bulletin)


1. Nationwide Summary

Total electricity generated and purchased in the second half of 2003 was down by 0.7%. The decline was due to decreased demand for heating caused by higher temperatures in winter. 459.35 billion kWh were generated (down 1.3% adjusted for leap year).


Hydro Flow rates were above that of the previous year's second half, leading to a rise in hydro generation. 27.45 billion kWh were generated, up 10.7%.
Thermal Increased use of nuclear power led to a 5.8% decline in thermal generation. 232.25 billion kWh were generated.
Nuclear The capacity utilization rate at all companies was up compared to last year, resulting in a 6.1% rise to 122.79 billion kWh.
(Capacity utilization rates in 2003 and 2002 were 64.8% and 61.4% respectively (Japan Atomic Power Company figures excluded).)

2. State of the Companies

Business results in Hokkaido, Tokyo, Chubu, Kansai and Chugoku declined due to decreased demand for heating caused by higher temperatures in winter.

[ Monthly Peak Load ]

Combined peak load for the ten companies was 149.706 million kWh (recorded at 18:00, 22 January), up 0.3% on the same period last year.

[ Flow Rates ]

With the exception of Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu, flow rates at the rest of the companies were above average. As a result, the figure across the nine companies was 105.2%.

(Unit : %)
  Hokkaido Tohoku Tokyo Chubu Hokuriku Kansai Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu 9 companies
Flow rates 105.4 109.9 109.9 110.7 103.3 107.6 80.1 96.0 91.8 105.2

1. Power generated and purchased in the Second Half of 2003 bulletin

(Unit : 100 million kWh, 10,000kW, %)
  This Half Increase on same half previous
year, past 3 halfs
Summary of results Compared to same half last year 1 half ago 2 halfs ago 3 halfs ago
9 companies 10 companies Total for 9 Cos. Total for 10 Cos. 9 Cos. 10 Cos. 9 Cos. 10 Cos. 9 Cos. 10 Cos.
Volume of power
generated and purchased
4,557.9 4,593.5 -0.8 -0.7 -1.5 -1.5 4.6 4.5 0.3 0.3
Hydro 274.5 274.5 10.7 10.7 16.8 16.8 -8.5 -8.5 2.3 2.3
Thermal 2,294.5 2,322.5 -6.0 -5.8 17.1 16.9 23.1 22.7 -5.2 -5.1
Nuclear 1,227.9 1,227.9 6.1 6.1 -38.8 -38.8 -22.8 -22.8 5.6 5.6
Purchased 807.0 814.8 2.2 2.0 19.2 18.8 13.9 13.9 3.9 3.7
Overall monthly peak load 14,877.4 14,970.6 0.2 0.3 -7.0 -6.8 5.1 5.2 -1.5 -1.6
Flow rates 105.2 (rate same half last year)
111.3 96.6 89.9
Performance of nuclear
facilities including Japan
Atomic Power Co.
65.6 (rate same half last year)
53.8 62.5 84.2

2. Increase in electricity generated and purchased across the 10 companies, by half year

(Unit : %)
  By Half
03FY 02FY
2nd Half 1st Half 2nd Half 1st Half
Hokkaido -0.4 1.6 3.8 0.2
Tohoku 0.5 -0.2 4.8 0.5
Tokyo -1.8 -3.2 4.8 0.5
Chubu -0.3 -1.5 4.2 0.4
Hokuriku 0.8 -0.7 4.3 0.3
Kansai -0.9 -1.4 3.9 -0.5
Chugoku -0.9 -0.8 6.4 2.1
Shikoku 0.0 -0.9 4.7 0.2
Kyushu 0.5 1.0 4.1 -0.2
9 companies -0.8 -1.5 4.6 0.3
Okinawa 5.2 4.9 0.6 -0.7
10 companies -0.7 -1.5 4.5 0.3

1. Results for electricity generated and purchased (bulletin)

  By company
Hokkaido Tohoku Tokyo Chubu Hokuriku Kansai Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu 9 companies Okinawa 10 companies
By source
Hydro 1,454,684 4,192,964 4,921,872 3,965,333 2,466,053 6,907,956 1,428,372 773,792 1,337,622 27,448,648   27,448,648
Thermal 9,914,069 29,189,508 91,407,874 43,908,214 8,923,906 9,871,263 15,617,369 6,071,718 14,544,343 229,448,264 2,800,809 232,249,073
Nuclear 4,043,483 8,524,836 25,922,520 11,840,350 1,413,510 39,089,712 4,392,677 7,375,949 20,183,636 122,786,673   122,786,673
Others 0 0 364 0 0 0 0 397 2,851 3,612   3,612
Purchased 2,289,767 1,173,447 29,696,519 8,037,054 1,673,260 22,015,934 9,607,037 744,440 5,461,067 80,698,525 781,848 81,480,373
(From EPDC Ltd) 506,760 848,999 3,020,759 1,982,143 459,202 6,666,780 9,411,653 3,403,727 3,169,152 29,469,175 766,035 30,235,210
(Interchange) 738 -10,070,853 10,071,543 1,312,241 -2,665,442 7,457,474 -1,889,765 -3,486,931 -762,843 -33,838   -33,838
Pump storage -960 -40,786 -979,040 -601,544 -18,979 -2,443,321 -369,153 -131,557 -14,678 -4,600,018 -13,919 -4,613,937
Total 17,701,043 43,039,969 150,970,109 67,149,407 14,457,750 75,441,544 30,676,302 14,834,739 41,514,841 455,785,704 3,568,738 459,354,442
Change on year (%) 99.6 100.5 98.2 99.7 100.8 99.1 99.1 100.0 100.5 99.2 105.2 99.3
Flow rates (%) 105.4 109.9 109.9 110.7 103.3 107.6 80.1 96.0 91.8 105.2   105.2

2. Fuel results (bulletin)

  By company
By fuel Hokkaido Tohoku Tokyo Chubu Hokuriku Kansai Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu 9 companies Okinawa 10 companies
Purchased 2,768,296 3,381,450 1,021,635 5,073,802 2,447,229 221,956 3,081,415 1,085,063 2,139,076 21,219,922 785,911 22,005,833
Consumed 2,717,588 3,671,580 978,288 4,953,204 2,674,540 123,402 3,357,853 1,310,128 2,166,014 21,952,597 746,961 22,699,558
Heavy oil
Purchased 428,004 654,014 2,909,331 5,044 76,759 84,831 330,852 342,567 6,026 4,837,428 106,169 4,943,597
Consumed 375,237 679,569 2,987,648 40,019 78,458 93,592 356,347 338,915 6,762 4,956,547 108,655 5,065,202
Purchased 28,911 310,744 1,666,722 84,774 105,867 81,154 36,036 27,813 5,022 2,347,043   2,347,043
Consumed 38,881 335,619 1,923,577 197,872 138,898 73,230 42,919 18,867 2,224 2,772,087   2,772,087
Purchased   2,005,294 9,246,377 4,350,085   1,373,782 571,642   1,078,246 18,625,426   18,625,426
Consumed   1,841,227 9,517,332 4,361,045   1,448,012 619,585   1,064,702 18,851,903   18,851,903
Purchased     34,134             34,134   34,134
Consumed     28,378 3,843   3,174       35,395   35,395