March 2016
- Voluntary efforts to improve nuclear safety
- Supply and demand for electricity for this winter
February 2016
- Establishment of the Electricity Business Council for a Low-Carbon Society
- Cabinet approval of the Amendment Bill to the Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Fund Act and the revision of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities.
January 2016
- Goals and challenges for 2016
December 2015
- Year 2015 from the perspective of the electric power industry
November 2015
- Our request to save electricity this winter
- Formulation of the Spent Fuel Action Plan
October 2015
- Supply and demand outlook for electricity for this winter
- Efforts on measures for spent nuclear fuel
September 2015
- Restart of commercial operation of Sendai Unit 1
- Supply and demand for electricity this summer
- Nuclear Emergency Support Organization
- Activities for winning public understanding for high-level radioactive wastes (HLW)
July 2015
- Finalization of the Energy Mix
- Our Views on Improving the Nuclear Power Business Environment under Increased Competition
June 2015
- Energy Mix and the Future Energy Policy
- Change in the Board of Directors
May 2015
- Supply and demand outlook for electricity this summer and the financial results for 2014
- Discussions on the Energy Mix
- Revision of the basic strategy for the final disposal of designated radioactive waste
- Revised Electricity Business Act
April 2015
- Supply and demand outlook for electricity this summer
- Our views on the formulation of the energy mix
- Establishment of the "Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators"